Δελτίο τύπου...Στις 27 Μαρτίου 2021 από τα γραφεία του Υποθηκοφυλακείου Αυλώνος, ο διευθυντής της υπηρεσίας του κτηματολογίου – Αρταν Λάμε- έχοντας στο πλευρό του τον δήμαρχο Χιμάρας, κύριο Γεώργιο Γκόρο, συνέχισε να κοροϊδεύει και να εμπαίζει την κοινή γνώμη σχετικά με την εγγραφή περιουσιών των κατοίκων του χωριού Γκιλεκάτες (Δρυμάδες) στο υποθηκοφυλακείο....

Δημοκρατική Ένωση Εθνικής Ελληνικής Μειονότητας




Δελτίο Τύπου


Στις 27 Μαρτίου 2021 από τα γραφεία του Υποθηκοφυλακείου Αυλώνος, ο διευθυντής της υπηρεσίας του κτηματολογίου – Αρταν Λάμε- έχοντας στο πλευρό του τον δήμαρχο Χιμάρας, κύριο Γεώργιο Γκόρο, συνέχισε να κοροϊδεύει και να εμπαίζει την κοινή γνώμη σχετικά με την εγγραφή περιουσιών των κατοίκων του χωριού Γκιλεκάτες (Δρυμάδες) στο υποθηκοφυλακείο.

Ο κύριος Λάμε δήλωσε ότι τέλειωσε η εγγραφή σε ολόκληρο το χωριό Γκιλεκάτες, κάτι το οποίο δεν ισχύει. Όπως φαίνεται από το χάρτη που ο ίδιος πρόβαλε, τα οικόπεδα στα οποία θα δοθούν τίτλοι ιδιοκτησίας αποτελούν κάτι λιγότερο από το 1/10 της συνολικής περιουσίας που έχει αυτό το χωριό και στη συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία έχουν πουληθεί σε έναν εργολάβο που μόλις προχθές έλαβε άδεια οικοδομής.


Ο εμπαιγμός αυτός ευτυχώς δεν έχει αποτέλεσμα στους ντόπιους κατοίκους διότι ξέρουν πολύ καλά ότι ο μόνος τρόπος να εγγραφεί η περιουσία τους στο υποθηκοφυλάκειο μπορεί να συμβεί μόνο σε δυο περιπτώσεις: είτε να έχουν πληρώσει μαύρα (λάδωμα) τη μισή αξία του ακινήτου, είτε να έχουν πουλήσει σε κάποιον «μεγαλοεπενδυτή» φίλο της κυβέρνησης και του πρωθυπουργού Εντι Ραμα.


Οι ανακοινώσεις αυτές είναι πέρα για πέρα αναληθείς, έχουν καθαρά προπαγανδιστικό στόχο ενόψει των εκλογών της 25ης Απριλίου και πέραν της προσβολής της νοημοσύνης των νόμιμων κατοίκων και ιδιοκτητών, είναι αντίθετες στο πνεύμα και το νόημα του εκλογικού νόμου, κάτι για το οποίο καλούμε την κεντρική εφορευτική επιτροπή να λάβει θέση. Αν οι δηλώσεις αυτές είχαν και ελάχιστα ψήγματα αλήθειας, δεν θα πραγματοποιούνταν στα γραφεία του αμαρτωλού υποθηκοφυλακείου Αυλώνος, αλλά θα πηγαίναν στο χωριό να αντιμετωπίσουν κατάματα και να δεχθούν «την ευγνωμοσύνη και τις ευχαριστίες» των πολίτων του χωριού Γκιλεκάτες.


Μετά από αυτήν την εξέλιξη, ελπίζουμε ότι και οι πιο δύσπιστοι να κατάλαβαν ότι η συγκεκριμένη κυβέρνηση και η συγκεκριμένη δημοτική αρχή όχι μόνο δεν θέλουν να δώσουν τις περιουσίες στους νόμιμους ιδιοκτήτες, αλλά κάνουν ότι μπορούν ώστε αυτές να αλλάξουν «χέρια».


Το δίδυμο (Γκόρος – Λάμε) που φέρει το μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο ευθύνης για την υφαρπαγή των περιουσίων των ντόπιων Ελλήνων κατοίκων του δήμου Χιμάρας, σήμερα έριξε την αυλαία του παίζοντας μια κακόγουστη και ανούσια παράσταση πριν ο χιμαριωτικος λαός τους στείλει με την ψήφο του στα αζήτητα της ιστορίας.


Είναι απαραίτητο μεσούσης της προεκλογικής περιόδου τα κόμματα της αντιπολίτευσης να δεσμευθούν ξεκάθαρα με ποιον τρόπο και σε πόσο χρονικό διάστημα θα επιλύσουν το βασικό και μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα που απασχολεί τους κάτοικους της περιοχής ανεξαρτήτως εθνικής καταγωγής.


Είμαστε εδώ για να συμβάλλουμε στη μοναδική λύση αποδεκτή για εμάς να επιστραφεί η περιουσία που εκλάπη από το κομμουνιστικό καθεστώς σε αυτούς που ανήκε και τους κληρονόμους τους. Κάθε άλλη σκέψη και πρόταση είναι εκ του πονηρού.


Deklarat per Shtyp


Me 27 Mars, nga zyrat e Kadastres Vlore, drejtori i Kadastres Artan Lame bashke me Kryetarin e Bashkisë Himarë Jorgo Goro, vazhdoi të tallet me opinionin publik në lidhje me regjistrimin e pasurisë së banorëve të fshatit Gjilek (Drymades) nga zyra e Kadastres.


Z. Lame deklaroi se regjistrimi ka mbaruar per gjithë fshatin Gjilek, gjë që nuk është absolutisht e vertete. Siç shihet nga harta që ai prezantoi, parcelat të cilave do t'u jepen tituj pronësie përbëjnë më pak se 1/10 e pronës totale që ka fshati dhe shumica dërrmuese e tyre i janë shitur një kontraktori I cili para disa ditesh ka marrë një leje ndërtimi.


Për fat të mirë, kjo tallje nuk funksionon me me Himariotet, sepse ata e dinë shumë mirë se ka vetem dy mënyra për të regjistruar pronën e tyre në zyrën e Kadastres Vloreose te paguash gjysmën e vlerës së pronës ne menyre te jashteligjshme(lexo para cash te dhena ne dore), ose tja shesesh pronen e trasheguar me breza një "investitori i madh” shok i Qeverisë dhe vella me Kryeministrin Edi Rama.


Këto deklarata janë plotësisht të pavërteta dhe kanë një qëllim te vetem, thjesht propagand me foto 3D në funksion të zgjedhjeve të 25 Prillit.


Këto njoftime, përveç fyerjes së inteligjencës së Himarioteve autokton pronarë te ligjshem, janë në kundërshtim me frymën dhe thelbin e ligjit zgjedhor, diçka për të cilën ne i bëjmë thirrje Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve të marrë një qëndrim.


Nëse këto deklarata do të kishin edhe disa copa të së vërtetës, nuk do të ndodhnin në zyrën se Kadastres mëkatare të Vlores, por do të beheshin në fshat për t'u përballur drejt per drejt dhe për të marrë "mirënjohjen dhe falënderimet" e qytetarëve të fshatit Gjilek.


Duke marre shkas nga Maskarada e fundit e dyshes Goro –Lame , ne shpresojmë që edhe më skeptikët të kuptojnë se kjo qeveri dhe kjo qeverisje vendore jo vetëm që nuk dëshirojnë t'u japin pronën pronarëve të ligjshëm, por bëjnë cfare eshte e mundur dhe e pamundur ligjerisht për të ndryshuar "duar" prona.


Dyshja (Goro - Lame) që mban pjesën më të madhe të përgjegjësisë për plaçkitjen e pronave të banorëve vendas grekë të bashkisë së Himarës, hapi sot siparin duke luajtur një shfaqje të shemtuar dhe të pakuptimtë packa se njerëzit e Himarës t'i dërgojnë me voten e tyre ne dollapin e historise.

Eshtë e nevojshme në mes të periudhës parazgjedhore që partitë e opozitës të bëjnë një angazhim të qartë se si dhe për sa kohë do të zgjidhin problemin kryesor dhe më të madh që shqetëson banorët e rajonit, pavarësisht nga kombësia e tyre.


Ne jemi këtu për të kontribuar në zgjidhjen e vetme të pranueshme për ne, kthimin e pronave të vjedhura nga regjimi komunist tek ata që i perkiste dhe trashëgimtarëve të tyre. Çdo mendim dhe sugjerim tjetër është me qëllim të keq, ne kundershtim te interesit dhe deshirave tona, ne shkelje flagrante te ligjit dhe ne shkelje te hapur te themeleve te Lirive e te Drejtave te Njeriut.


Press release


On March 27th , from the offices of the Kadastra (Property Management Agency) in Vlore, the director of the Cadastral Agency, Artan Lame with the mayor of Himara Mr. Jorgo Goro at his side, continued to mock and ridicule the public regarding the registration of property of the Gjilekates village in Drymades.


Mr Lame said the registration was completed for the entire village of Gjilekates, which appears to be a lie. As can be seen from the map that he projected, the plots to which property titles will be given are just under 1/10 of the total of the plots of land that this village has and the vast majority of them have been sold to a contractor who received a building permit just the day before.


Fortunately, this mockery does not fool the locals because they know very well that the only ways to register their property at the Kadastra office are to either have paid in advance (as a bribery) an amount half the value of the property, or to have sold to a "big investor” friend of the government and Prime Minister Edi Rama.


These announcements are completely untrue, they have a purely propagandistic purpose for the elections of April 25 and in addition to insulting the intelligence of the rightful residents and owners, they are contrary to the spirit and letter of the electoral law, something on which we call the Central Election Committee to take action. If these statements by Mr. Lame had any truth, they would not have taken place in the sinful offices of the Kadastra in Vlore, but they would have happened at the village in order to receive the "gratitude and appreciation" of the citizens of the village of Gjilekates.

Following this development, we hope that even the most skeptical people will understand that this government and this municipal authority not only do they not want to give the property to its rightful owners, but they will do everything they can for this land to change "hands".


The duo (Goros - Lame) that bears the biggest share of responsibility for the looting of the property of the local Greek minority residents of the municipality of Himara, today played their final act of a bad and meaningless show just before the people of Himara punish them with their vote.


It is necessary in the middle of the pre-election period for the opposition parties to make a clear commitment on how and when they will solve the main and most important problem that concerns the inhabitants of the region, regardless of ethnic origin.


We are here to contribute in order to reach the only solution acceptable to us; return of the property stolen from the communist regime to the rightful owners and to and their heirs. Every other thought and suggestion is malicious.


Προεκλογικά ...

Δημοκρατική Ένωση Εθνικής Ελληνικής Μειονότητας




Δελτίο Τύπου


Στις 27 Μαρτίου 2021 από τα γραφεία του Υποθηκοφυλακείου Αυλώνος, ο διευθυντής της υπηρεσίας του κτηματολογίου – Αρταν Λάμε- έχοντας στο πλευρό του τον δήμαρχο Χιμάρας, κύριο Γεώργιο Γκόρο, συνέχισε να κοροϊδεύει και να εμπαίζει την κοινή γνώμη σχετικά με την εγγραφή περιουσιών των κατοίκων του χωριού Γκιλεκάτες (Δρυμάδες) στο υποθηκοφυλακείο.

Ο κύριος Λάμε δήλωσε ότι τέλειωσε η εγγραφή σε ολόκληρο το χωριό Γκιλεκάτες, κάτι το οποίο δεν ισχύει. Όπως φαίνεται από το χάρτη που ο ίδιος πρόβαλε, τα οικόπεδα στα οποία θα δοθούν τίτλοι ιδιοκτησίας αποτελούν κάτι λιγότερο από το 1/10 της συνολικής περιουσίας που έχει αυτό το χωριό και στη συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία έχουν πουληθεί σε έναν εργολάβο που μόλις προχθές έλαβε άδεια οικοδομής.


Ο εμπαιγμός αυτός ευτυχώς δεν έχει αποτέλεσμα στους ντόπιους κατοίκους διότι ξέρουν πολύ καλά ότι ο μόνος τρόπος να εγγραφεί η περιουσία τους στο υποθηκοφυλάκειο μπορεί να συμβεί μόνο σε δυο περιπτώσεις: είτε να έχουν πληρώσει μαύρα (λάδωμα) τη μισή αξία του ακινήτου, είτε να έχουν πουλήσει σε κάποιον «μεγαλοεπενδυτή» φίλο της κυβέρνησης και του πρωθυπουργού Εντι Ραμα.


Οι ανακοινώσεις αυτές είναι πέρα για πέρα αναληθείς, έχουν καθαρά προπαγανδιστικό στόχο ενόψει των εκλογών της 25ης Απριλίου και πέραν της προσβολής της νοημοσύνης των νόμιμων κατοίκων και ιδιοκτητών, είναι αντίθετες στο πνεύμα και το νόημα του εκλογικού νόμου, κάτι για το οποίο καλούμε την κεντρική εφορευτική επιτροπή να λάβει θέση. Αν οι δηλώσεις αυτές είχαν και ελάχιστα ψήγματα αλήθειας, δεν θα πραγματοποιούνταν στα γραφεία του αμαρτωλού υποθηκοφυλακείου Αυλώνος, αλλά θα πηγαίναν στο χωριό να αντιμετωπίσουν κατάματα και να δεχθούν «την ευγνωμοσύνη και τις ευχαριστίες» των πολίτων του χωριού Γκιλεκάτες.


Μετά από αυτήν την εξέλιξη, ελπίζουμε ότι και οι πιο δύσπιστοι να κατάλαβαν ότι η συγκεκριμένη κυβέρνηση και η συγκεκριμένη δημοτική αρχή όχι μόνο δεν θέλουν να δώσουν τις περιουσίες στους νόμιμους ιδιοκτήτες, αλλά κάνουν ότι μπορούν ώστε αυτές να αλλάξουν «χέρια».


Το δίδυμο (Γκόρος – Λάμε) που φέρει το μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο ευθύνης για την υφαρπαγή των περιουσίων των ντόπιων Ελλήνων κατοίκων του δήμου Χιμάρας, σήμερα έριξε την αυλαία του παίζοντας μια κακόγουστη και ανούσια παράσταση πριν ο χιμαριωτικος λαός τους στείλει με την ψήφο του στα αζήτητα της ιστορίας.


Είναι απαραίτητο μεσούσης της προεκλογικής περιόδου τα κόμματα της αντιπολίτευσης να δεσμευθούν ξεκάθαρα με ποιον τρόπο και σε πόσο χρονικό διάστημα θα επιλύσουν το βασικό και μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα που απασχολεί τους κάτοικους της περιοχής ανεξαρτήτως εθνικής καταγωγής.


Είμαστε εδώ για να συμβάλλουμε στη μοναδική λύση αποδεκτή για εμάς να επιστραφεί η περιουσία που εκλάπη από το κομμουνιστικό καθεστώς σε αυτούς που ανήκε και τους κληρονόμους τους. Κάθε άλλη σκέψη και πρόταση είναι εκ του πονηρού.


Deklarat per Shtyp


Me 27 Mars, nga zyrat e Kadastres Vlore, drejtori i Kadastres Artan Lame bashke me Kryetarin e Bashkisë Himarë Jorgo Goro, vazhdoi të tallet me opinionin publik në lidhje me regjistrimin e pasurisë së banorëve të fshatit Gjilek (Drymades) nga zyra e Kadastres.


Z. Lame deklaroi se regjistrimi ka mbaruar per gjithë fshatin Gjilek, gjë që nuk është absolutisht e vertete. Siç shihet nga harta që ai prezantoi, parcelat të cilave do t'u jepen tituj pronësie përbëjnë më pak se 1/10 e pronës totale që ka fshati dhe shumica dërrmuese e tyre i janë shitur një kontraktori I cili para disa ditesh ka marrë një leje ndërtimi.


Për fat të mirë, kjo tallje nuk funksionon me me Himariotet, sepse ata e dinë shumë mirë se ka vetem dy mënyra për të regjistruar pronën e tyre në zyrën e Kadastres Vloreose te paguash gjysmën e vlerës së pronës ne menyre te jashteligjshme(lexo para cash te dhena ne dore), ose tja shesesh pronen e trasheguar me breza një "investitori i madh” shok i Qeverisë dhe vella me Kryeministrin Edi Rama.


Këto deklarata janë plotësisht të pavërteta dhe kanë një qëllim te vetem, thjesht propagand me foto 3D në funksion të zgjedhjeve të 25 Prillit.


Këto njoftime, përveç fyerjes së inteligjencës së Himarioteve autokton pronarë te ligjshem, janë në kundërshtim me frymën dhe thelbin e ligjit zgjedhor, diçka për të cilën ne i bëjmë thirrje Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve të marrë një qëndrim.


Nëse këto deklarata do të kishin edhe disa copa të së vërtetës, nuk do të ndodhnin në zyrën se Kadastres mëkatare të Vlores, por do të beheshin në fshat për t'u përballur drejt per drejt dhe për të marrë "mirënjohjen dhe falënderimet" e qytetarëve të fshatit Gjilek.


Duke marre shkas nga Maskarada e fundit e dyshes Goro –Lame , ne shpresojmë që edhe më skeptikët të kuptojnë se kjo qeveri dhe kjo qeverisje vendore jo vetëm që nuk dëshirojnë t'u japin pronën pronarëve të ligjshëm, por bëjnë cfare eshte e mundur dhe e pamundur ligjerisht për të ndryshuar "duar" prona.


Dyshja (Goro - Lame) që mban pjesën më të madhe të përgjegjësisë për plaçkitjen e pronave të banorëve vendas grekë të bashkisë së Himarës, hapi sot siparin duke luajtur një shfaqje të shemtuar dhe të pakuptimtë packa se njerëzit e Himarës t'i dërgojnë me voten e tyre ne dollapin e historise.

Eshtë e nevojshme në mes të periudhës parazgjedhore që partitë e opozitës të bëjnë një angazhim të qartë se si dhe për sa kohë do të zgjidhin problemin kryesor dhe më të madh që shqetëson banorët e rajonit, pavarësisht nga kombësia e tyre.


Ne jemi këtu për të kontribuar në zgjidhjen e vetme të pranueshme për ne, kthimin e pronave të vjedhura nga regjimi komunist tek ata që i perkiste dhe trashëgimtarëve të tyre. Çdo mendim dhe sugjerim tjetër është me qëllim të keq, ne kundershtim te interesit dhe deshirave tona, ne shkelje flagrante te ligjit dhe ne shkelje te hapur te themeleve te Lirive e te Drejtave te Njeriut.


Press release


On March 27th , from the offices of the Kadastra (Property Management Agency) in Vlore, the director of the Cadastral Agency, Artan Lame with the mayor of Himara Mr. Jorgo Goro at his side, continued to mock and ridicule the public regarding the registration of property of the Gjilekates village in Drymades.


Mr Lame said the registration was completed for the entire village of Gjilekates, which appears to be a lie. As can be seen from the map that he projected, the plots to which property titles will be given are just under 1/10 of the total of the plots of land that this village has and the vast majority of them have been sold to a contractor who received a building permit just the day before.


Fortunately, this mockery does not fool the locals because they know very well that the only ways to register their property at the Kadastra office are to either have paid in advance (as a bribery) an amount half the value of the property, or to have sold to a "big investor” friend of the government and Prime Minister Edi Rama.


These announcements are completely untrue, they have a purely propagandistic purpose for the elections of April 25 and in addition to insulting the intelligence of the rightful residents and owners, they are contrary to the spirit and letter of the electoral law, something on which we call the Central Election Committee to take action. If these statements by Mr. Lame had any truth, they would not have taken place in the sinful offices of the Kadastra in Vlore, but they would have happened at the village in order to receive the "gratitude and appreciation" of the citizens of the village of Gjilekates.

Following this development, we hope that even the most skeptical people will understand that this government and this municipal authority not only do they not want to give the property to its rightful owners, but they will do everything they can for this land to change "hands".


The duo (Goros - Lame) that bears the biggest share of responsibility for the looting of the property of the local Greek minority residents of the municipality of Himara, today played their final act of a bad and meaningless show just before the people of Himara punish them with their vote.


It is necessary in the middle of the pre-election period for the opposition parties to make a clear commitment on how and when they will solve the main and most important problem that concerns the inhabitants of the region, regardless of ethnic origin.


We are here to contribute in order to reach the only solution acceptable to us; return of the property stolen from the communist regime to the rightful owners and to and their heirs. Every other thought and suggestion is malicious.